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Sales Email Assistant by

Maximize your sales efficiency with's AI-powered Email Assistant. Generate human-like personalized emails and improve open & reply rates

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About Sales Email Assistant by Your AI-Powered Sales Email Assistant for Streamlined Outreach

Sales teams constantly face the challenge of crafting personalized emails that resonate with potential clients. With's AI-powered Sales Email Assistant, you can generate engaging, human-like emails in seconds, maximizing your open and reply rates, while improving your overall sales efficiency.'s AI Email Assistant Features

Generate First-Step Emails

Sales Email Assistant can enhance existing email template copy or create a new email based on a short summary or bullet points. Never worry about writing the perfect first email again; the AI has you covered.

Generate AI Follow-Ups

For follow-up emails, the AI can improve existing text or generate a completely new message based on previous messages in your sequence thread. Maintain the flow of communication while keeping the conversation personal and relevant.

Start Sending Instantly

Once your emails are generated, immediately put them to use by pushing them directly to your sequences. No need to switch between apps, saving you precious time and effort.

AI Writes, AI Checks

Check your email copy with the help of AI text quality scoring, and keep an eye on the 'Interested' folder for the hottest leads provided by intelligent email sorting.

Benefits of Sales Email Assistant

The AI-powered Sales Email Assistant helps you craft personalized emails in seconds, allowing you to:

  • Maximize open and reply rates
  • Ensure your text is actionable and perfect before sending
  • Receive instant feedback through Email Quality Check
  • Benefit from the GPT-3 language prediction model for deep learning and human-like text generation's Suite of Solutions offers various tools and features to streamline your sales and lead generation processes. Some of these include:

  • Reply Data: Find business emails on LinkedIn and push them to a sequence in Reply.
  • Email validation: Ensure the emails you send reach their intended recipients.
  • Multichannel sequences: Automate customer outreach across multiple channels.
  • Social automation: Improve your social media presence and engagement.
  • Cloud calls: Make calls from within the platform.
  • Meeting booking: Streamline your appointment scheduling process.
  • Triggers: Automate tasks based on specific events.
  • Integrations: Seamlessly sync data with your CRM.

Use Cases's Sales Email Assistant and suite of solutions cater to various sales scenarios and industries:

  • Outbound Sales
  • Inbound Sales
  • Account-Based Sales
  • Business Development
  • Staffing & Recruiting
  • PR & Linkbuilding
  • Sales & Lead Gen Agencies

Summary's AI-powered Sales Email Assistant is a game-changer for sales teams, enabling them to create personalized, human-like emails that improve open and reply rates. The platform's suite of AI-driven tools streamlines the entire sales process, from finding leads to engaging them across multiple channels. empowers sales teams to focus on closing deals while the AI takes care of crafting compelling emails. Experience the future of sales outreach with's Sales Email Assistant today!

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Pricing options

  • Free
  • $60
  • $90


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