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Unleash your Amazon store's potential with Nozzle, an analytics tool offering comprehensive data insights. Optimize your ad spend, enhance customer retention, and grow profits

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About Nozzle

Nozzle: Unleashing Your Amazon Profits with Cutting-Edge Analytics

In the competitive world of online retail, making the most of your data is paramount. It's not just about the numbers but about understanding what those numbers mean and how they can steer your business towards success. That's where Nozzle comes in, offering unparalleled customer analytics for Amazon sellers.

Understanding Nozzle's Offerings

Nozzle is the leading analytics tool for Amazon sellers, providing deep insights into customer behavior and purchasing trends. It aims to help sellers optimize their advertising strategy, unlock the true value of their customers, and discover new opportunities for growth.

Optimizing Your Amazon Advertising Strategy

Nozzle equips you with a detailed understanding of your Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC). This is pivotal to ensuring your advertising budget is allocated wisely. With Nozzle, you can analyze purchasing trends to maximize ad spend efficiency, reduce unnecessary spending, and ultimately increase customer retention.

Unlocking the True Value of Your Customers

An understanding of the Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) is crucial to any successful business strategy. Nozzle's CLV analysis tool provides a detailed breakdown of revenue you can expect from each customer over their lifetime, allowing you to accurately track customer satisfaction across time. By recognizing your true break-even ACoS and pinpointing revenue opportunities, you can strategically enhance your Amazon success.

Creating a Loyalty Machine

With Nozzle, you have the ability to identify your most profitable products and those leading to repeat purchases. The platform helps you discover your optimal retargeting window and analyze time to 80% of repeat purchases, enabling you to build a loyal customer base and drive growth.

Leveraging Nozzle's Solutions

Lifetime Value and Purchase Intervals

Track your Amazon customer behavior and predict future purchases with precision using Nozzle's CLV analysis. Additionally, Nozzle's Purchase Intervals dashboard offers data-driven forecasting and predicted purchase intervals, providing the information you need to optimize your retargeting campaigns and increase ad effectiveness.

Amazon Analytics — Premium Managed Analytics

Nozzle's team of marketing strategists can help you make data-backed recommendations to boost sales and optimize your ad spend. Let the experienced team handle your data analysis, giving you more time to focus on other aspects of your business.

Performance Summary

Nozzle's performance summary report provides a comprehensive view of key metrics essential to your business. This helps Amazon sellers quickly understand sales and customer behavior metrics, thus simplifying complex data.


Nozzle is an exceptional tool for Amazon sellers looking to maximize profits, increase customer retention, and optimize their advertising strategy. With features such as Customer Lifetime Value analysis, Purchase Interval prediction, and a detailed Performance Summary, Nozzle offers a holistic approach to data analysis and strategic planning. In the competitive Amazon marketplace, Nozzle is the partner you need to outperform your competitors and realize your true potential.

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Pricing options

  • Free
  • $45
  • $75
  • $200
  • $450


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