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Discover Luna, an AI-powered sales tool that provides high-quality leads, generates personalized cold emails, and seamlessly integrates with your favorite CRM tools

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About Luna

Luna: The AI-Powered Sales Solution for High-Quality Leads and Personalized Emails

The world of sales is increasingly competitive, and professionals need to leverage innovative tools to stay ahead. Luna, an AI-powered sales tool, is here to revolutionize the way you find leads and engage with them. By providing high-quality leads and generating personalized cold emails, Luna streamlines your sales process and helps you scale up more efficiently.

Access Millions of Up-to-Date Leads

Luna offers access to over 250 million up-to-date leads, with new suggestions provided daily. The neural network technology behind Luna continually improves based on user feedback, ensuring the leads you receive are increasingly relevant to your proposition. Additionally, Luna provides 100% verified profiles, reducing the risk of bounced emails and wasted time.

Generate Personalized Cold Emails with Ease

Nobody likes receiving spam or generic email outreach. Luna addresses this by generating highly personalized cold emails based on each prospect's website and social profiles. As a result, you can start conversations that receive replies and increase your chances of making a sale. Luna's email templates are available in every language, ensuring that you can connect with leads worldwide.

Continuous Learning and Adaptation

Luna's AI technology learns from your adjustments and interactions, making it smarter over time. It also follows up on leads until they respond, using proven cold email strategies to maximize the chances of a positive outcome. By learning from the best practices of salespeople worldwide, Luna becomes an increasingly valuable asset to your sales team.

Seamless Integration with Popular CRM Tools

Luna integrates natively with Hubspot and Pipedrive, allowing you to sync your sales team effortlessly. It also connects with over 5,000 apps using Zapier, making it compatible with virtually any tool you currently use. Whether you're using Google, Microsoft, or SMTP, Luna can easily fit into your existing workflow.

Prioritizing Email Account Security

Luna takes the security of your email account seriously, ensuring that personalized messages are sent only with your explicit permission. After undergoing rigorous security testing, Luna has been officially approved by Google and Microsoft. Rest assured that your login details are encrypted and protected.

No Additional Software Licenses Required

Many automation tools require extra software licenses, such as LinkedIn Sales Navigator, lead providers, or data enrichment tools like With Luna, you don't need anything other than the platform itself. Everything you need to boost your sales is built into Luna, making it an all-in-one solution for your sales team.

Transform Your Sales Process with Luna

Luna is a groundbreaking AI-powered sales tool designed to help sales professionals access millions of leads and personalize cold emails quickly and effectively. By streamlining lead generation, email outreach, and CRM integrations, Luna revolutionizes the way you find leads and engage with them. Trusted by over 1,000 companies worldwide and backed by over 50 five-star reviews, Luna is the ideal tool to help you scale your sales process and achieve better results. Try Luna today and experience the difference an AI-powered sales solution can make in your sales strategy.

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Pricing options

  • Free
  • $100
  • $190
  • $360
  • $825
  • $1500


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