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Supercharge your team's productivity with Hiver, an AI-powered Gmail-based helpdesk solution. Improve collaboration, automate tasks, and enhance customer support

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About Hiver

Hiver: The Ultimate AI-Powered Gmail Helpdesk for Your Team

In today's fast-paced business world, efficient team collaboration and seamless customer support are crucial for success. Hiver, an AI-powered Gmail-based helpdesk solution, is designed to improve team productivity and enhance customer service experiences.

Effortless Email Management with Harvey, Hiver's AI Bot

Harvey, Hiver's intelligent AI assistant, uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) to accurately identify the context of customer conversations and offer intelligent suggestions to support agents. This enables your team to work faster, focus on essential tasks, and provide exceptional customer support.

Intelligent Email Template Suggestions

Choosing the right email template for canned responses can be overwhelming. Harvey assists by analyzing customer messages and intelligently suggesting the most relevant template(s) to help provide a satisfactory resolution.

Thank You Detection by Harvey

Harvey's Thank You Detection feature identifies and closes conversations that get reopened due to non-actionable customer responses with an underlying «Thank You» sentiment. This saves time and effort for your team and ensures accurate service metrics.

Improve Team Productivity with Hiver

Streamlined Team Collaboration

Hiver enables seamless team collaboration within Gmail. With Email Notes, your team can have quick, private, and contextual discussions without Cc/Bcc/forwards. You can also use @mentions to notify someone.

Automation and Assignment

Hiver's powerful rule-based Automations allow you to automate mundane and repetitive helpdesk tasks. With the round-robin assignment feature, you can efficiently distribute work among your team members.

Analytics and Reports

Hiver offers robust analytics to help you gain insights into workload distribution, SLA violations, and team performance. Improve your customer service by measuring business-specific metrics with custom reports.

SLA and Business Hours

Set deadlines for customer issue resolutions, track SLA violations, and define business hours for your customer service team with Hiver's SLA and Business Hours feature.

Hiver: A Comprehensive Customer Service Solution

Hiver transforms your Gmail into a powerful helpdesk, enabling you to deliver fast and empathetic customer service. With its easy-to-use interface, advanced feature set, and enterprise-grade security, Hiver is the perfect customer service software for businesses of all sizes.


Investing in the right customer service software is essential for business growth. Hiver, with its AI-powered Gmail-based helpdesk solution, offers the perfect blend of functionality, ease-of-use, and security. Boost your team's productivity and enhance customer support by choosing Hiver as your ultimate AI sidekick.

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Pricing options

  • $15
  • $39
  • $59


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