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Browse AI

Discover Browse AI: easily extract and monitor data from any website, no coding required. Empower your business with automated web scraping today

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About Browse AI

Harness the Power of Web Data with Browse AI: Effortless Data Extraction and Monitoring

In today's data-driven world, the ability to access and analyze web data is crucial for businesses and individuals alike. Browse AI is a powerful and user-friendly platform that enables users to effortlessly extract and monitor data from any website, without the need for coding. With its versatile features and applications, Browse AI is revolutionizing the way users gather and utilize web data.

The Essence of Browse AI

Browse AI is a no-code data extraction and monitoring service that allows users to train a robot within minutes to scrape specific data from websites and monitor changes. The platform comes with prebuilt robots for popular use cases, enabling users to start extracting data right away. With Browse AI, users can enjoy a seamless experience, from data extraction and monitoring to integration with popular tools like Google Sheets, Zapier, and Airtable.

Benefits to Users

  1. No coding required: Browse AI is designed for users with no coding experience, making data extraction and monitoring accessible to everyone.
  2. Quick and easy setup: Users can train a robot to extract data in just two minutes, saving time and effort.
  3. Zero maintenance: Browse AI takes care of all the technical aspects, so users can focus on utilizing the data for their specific needs.
  4. Versatile applications: From price monitoring and lead generation to market research and competitor analysis, Browse AI caters to a wide range of use cases.
  5. Seamless integrations: Browse AI can be easily integrated with other tools, enabling users to automate their workflows and streamline data processing.

Areas of Use

  1. Turning websites into APIs: Create custom APIs for websites that lack native APIs, giving users more control and flexibility over data access.
  2. Price monitoring: Automatically track and monitor market prices, allowing businesses to make better pricing decisions and maintain minimum advertised price (MAP) compliance.
  3. Lead generation: Build prospect lists and marketing databases from multiple websites, streamlining sales processes and improving lead quality.
  4. Finance and investment: Collect bulk data on target markets for better investment decision-making and risk reduction.
  5. Business intelligence: Improve data-driven decision-making by spending less time on data collection and more on data analysis.
  6. Market research: Extract structured data from multiple sources to gain valuable insights into market trends and opportunities.
  7. Competitive monitoring: Keep track of competitors' products, trends, and marketing strategies by monitoring their web presence.
  8. Product availability: Monitor product stock on supplier and retailer websites, ensuring adequate inventory levels.
  9. Content aggregation: Stay updated on the latest news, research, and updates by gathering information from various sources in one place.
  10. Academic research: Collect large-scale data from multiple web sources for research purposes, simplifying data acquisition for academic studies.
  11. AI/ML product development: Obtain clean, large-scale data from relevant web sources to train AI and ML models, improving product performance and accuracy.


Browse AI is a game-changer in the world of web data extraction and monitoring. Its user-friendly interface, powerful features, and wide range of applications make it an invaluable tool for businesses and individuals seeking to harness the power of web data. With Browse AI, users can now access, analyze, and utilize web data like never before.

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Pricing options

  • $19
  • $99
  • $249


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