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Botnation AI

Optimize lead generation and sales with Botnation AI chatbot. Simplify bot creation, connect to CRM, and track real-time analytics. No coding skills required

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About Botnation AI

Boost Sales & Leads with Botnation AI — Your Chatbot Solution

In the era of digitalization, generating qualified leads and boosting sales have become priorities for businesses. Botnation AI, a leading chatbot creation platform, aims to enhance these processes and improve overall business performance.

Create an AI-Powered Chatbot in Minutes

Botnation AI offers an intuitive interface for rapid chatbot creation. Whether you choose from a template or follow tutorials, you can have a chatbot up and running in just a few minutes. You don't need to write a single line of code — just use the simple drag & drop feature, copy/paste tools, and the collaborative mode. Botnation AI combines simplicity and power, making it an ideal choice for marketing, sales, and public-oriented applications.

Integration with Existing Tools

One of Botnation AI's strengths is its seamless integration with the tools you already use. You can connect your chatbot to your CRM, API, or other systems via plugins and connectors, saving the data gleaned by the bot in your CRM or using your API's data within the chatbot.

Real-time Analysis and Management

Botnation AI is not just about creating a chatbot — it's also about optimization. The platform provides robust tools for creating funnels, placing KPIs, and AB testing your content. It also offers algorithm-based recommendations for further optimization, ensuring you can monitor, analyze, and develop your chatbot effectively.

Botnation & AI Giants

Botnation stands out from the crowd with its integration with ChatGPT and DALL-E, two of OpenAI's state-of-the-art models. You can have your chatbot respond using ChatGPT and generate chatbot images using DALL-E, giving your bot a distinctive edge.

Premium Live-Chat

Botnation AI also offers a premium live-chat feature for optimal customer service. It allows for smooth handovers between the bot and human agents, multiple advisors management, note exchange between advisors, and provides detailed user files with live information captured by the bot.

Secured & Robust Technology

Botnation AI guarantees security and robustness with its in-house developed technology, independent of GAFAM services. The platform's servers are located in Europe, ensuring data privacy, and the infrastructure is scalable, redundant, and certified PCI-DSS and ISO 27001.


Botnation AI is not just a chatbot creator — it's a complete solution for businesses seeking to enhance their marketing and sales strategies. With its easy chatbot creation process, CRM integration, real-time analysis, AI giants integration, and premium live-chat feature, it provides an all-in-one solution for businesses to generate more qualified leads and boost sales. If you're looking to streamline your business processes, it's time to give Botnation AI a try.

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Pricing options

  • Free
  • $29
  • $49
  • $89


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