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Cleanvoice Breath Silencer

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Introducing Cleanvoice AI: An AI-Powered Breath Reducer

Cleanvoice AI is proud to announce our latest innovation: an AI-powered breath reducer that can detect breaths and mute them in real-time. This feature not only improves the overall audio quality but also makes editing easier by preventing unnatural sound effects that can occur when removing filler words between breaths.

Understanding Breath Detection

Cleanvoice AI's breath detection technology is capable of distinguishing between different breathing patterns, such as regular breathing and deep sighs. Our goal is to ensure that emotions and context are preserved while removing only unnecessary breaths that can be distracting to listeners.

Activating the Deep Breath Reducer

To activate the Deep Breath Reducer, simply navigate to the Custom Settings menu and enable it. Our AI technology will take care of the rest, seamlessly detecting and reducing breaths without affecting the natural flow of speech.

We believe that Cleanvoice AI's breath reduction feature will be a game-changer for podcasters, content creators, and anyone looking to improve the audio quality of their recordings.

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