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Wudpecker, the AI-powered tool, revolutionizes meeting prep and note-taking. Transcribe, summarize and share meeting insights effortlessly across various platforms

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About Wudpecker

Streamline Meetings with Wudpecker: The AI-Powered Note-taking Tool

In an era where remote work is the new normal, holding productive meetings has never been more critical. Enter Wudpecker — the AI-powered meeting assistant that's changing how we approach meetings.

Revolutionizing Meeting Preparation with Wudpecker

Starting meetings prepared is half the battle won. Wudpecker, with its prebuilt templates, allows you to kickstart every meeting with a clear agenda and pertinent talking points. The AI assistant ensures your meetings stay productive and yield actionable insights.

Record and Transcribe on the Fly

Wudpecker seamlessly integrates with Zoom, Google Meet, and Teams meetings, joining your calls, and transcribing them automatically. This eliminates the tedious task of manual note-taking, making every conversation searchable, and enabling you to cut through the noise to find what matters most.

MeetingGPT: A ChatGPT Tailored for Meetings

Leveraging the power of ChatGPT, Wudpecker distills every meeting into an outlined summary. There's no longer a need to dig through lengthy transcripts to find important details — Wudpecker does it for you, making sure you never miss anything.

Sharing Insights Made Easy

The tool allows you to share meeting summaries easily to Hubspot, Salesforce, Notion, Docs, and Slack — ensuring your team is always in the loop. With Wudpecker, nothing gets lost in translation.

Wudpecker: A Companion for All Departments

From sales and partnerships to customer success, marketing, and talent acquisition, Wudpecker is designed to benefit all sectors of an organization. The tailored templates accommodate different meeting types like sales discovery calls, customer feedback sessions, campaign strategy discussions, and candidate interviews, among others.

Integration Capabilities

Wudpecker doesn't just take notes, it works where you work. It integrates effortlessly with Hubspot, Zoom, Teams, Google Meet, Slack, and Notion, allowing you to share summaries and snippets to keep your teammates informed and updated.

Collaboration and Consolidation

Wudpecker is the perfect tool for teams looking to improve collaboration, streamline workflows, and gain better visibility into their projects. It consolidates all necessary data in one place, enabling quick identification of opportunities, informed decision-making, and up-to-date progress tracking.

Automated Note-taking

Once you integrate your calendar, Wudpecker's notetaker auto-joins the meeting, taking diligent notes so you can focus on the meeting. For now, the notetaker cannot join meetings not scheduled in your calendar, but the Wudpecker team is continuously innovating to provide more flexibility and convenience.


In summary, Wudpecker is an invaluable tool for any team looking to optimize their meeting preparation, note-taking, and post-meeting follow-ups. Its seamless integrations and AI-powered functionalities are designed to improve productivity, facilitate better communication, and ultimately, drive business success. Try out Wudpecker today — it's free, easy to use, and guaranteed to transform your meeting experience.

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